Home News Blades of Fire: The First Preview

Blades of Fire: The First Preview

Author : Emily Update : Mar 17,2025

My hands-on time with MercurySteam's Blades of Fire began with expectations of a Castlevania: Lords of Shadow revival, modernized in the vein of God of War. An hour in, it felt like a Soulslike, albeit one where weapon stats, not character sheets, dictated power. Three hours later, I realized both initial impressions were partially true, yet ultimately misleading. Blades of Fire undeniably draws from familiar territory, but its unique blend of borrowed elements and fresh ideas creates a compellingly original action-adventure experience.

While not a direct God of War clone, initial similarities are undeniable. The dark fantasy setting, impactful combat, and close-to-the-action camera evoke Kratos' Norse saga. Further parallels emerge in the opening hours: exploring a labyrinthine map filled with treasure chests, aided by a young companion who assists with puzzles. Our shared quest led us to a wild woman residing in a house perched atop a colossal creature. This familiarity, however, is tempered by the game's distinct aesthetic and mechanics. The many elements borrowed from FromSoftware's catalog, including anvil-shaped checkpoints that replenish health potions and respawn enemies, further contribute to this blend of familiar and new.

Blades of Fire features some deeply strange enemies that feel like dark cousins of Labyrinth's puppets. | Image credit: MercurySteam / 505 Games
The game's world possesses a distinct 1980s fantasy vibe. Conan the Barbarian would feel right at home amongst the powerfully built soldiers, while the orangutan-like enemies bouncing on bamboo pogo sticks wouldn't look out of place in Jim Henson's Labyrinth. The story, too, has a retro feel: an evil queen has petrified steel, and Aran de Lira, a blacksmith demigod, must slay her and restore the world's metal. However, the narrative, characters, and writing feel somewhat generic, reminiscent of many forgotten Xbox 360-era titles.

Despite this, Blades of Fire's mechanical achievements are undeniable. The combat system, centered around directional attacks utilizing every face button, is particularly impressive. On a PlayStation controller, triangle targets the head, cross the torso, while square and circle deliver left and right swipes. By carefully observing enemy stances, you can exploit weaknesses. A soldier shielding their face, for example, can be defeated by a low strike. The impact is visceral, with thick streams of blood marking successful attacks.

This system shines brightest in encounters with major bosses. The demo's first boss, a hulking troll, possessed a second health bar accessible only after dismemberment. The limb removed depends on the angle of attack; a right-hand strike detached its left arm, effectively disarming it. More impressively, severing its face left it blind and flailing until its eyes regenerated.

The weapon system significantly enhances the combat experience. Unlike most games, stamina regeneration is manual, requiring holding the block button. While these additions give Blades of Fire's combat a unique edge, the overall feel is undeniably Soulslike, emphasizing attack pattern recognition and precise dodge/block/parry timings. The risk-reward dynamic is present, though the punishment is less severe. This initially triggers FromSoftware muscle memory, but the directional attack system and repositioned block function demand adaptation.

Once accustomed to the control scheme, the game's unique mechanics take center stage. The weapon system allows wielding blades in different stances—slashing or thrusting—requiring enemy assessment to determine the most effective approach.

Blades of Fire Screenshots

9 ImagesWeapons are central to Blades of Fire, demanding significant attention. Edged weapons dull with use, reducing damage over time, necessitating sharpening with a stone or switching stances, as edge and tip wear independently. This tangible impact reflects your fighting style.

Weapon durability is a constant concern, even with proper care. Broken weapons can be repaired at anvil checkpoints or smelted for crafting, leading to the game's most innovative feature: the forge.

Weapon creation begins by selecting a template, then customizing aspects like spear length and head shape, influencing stats and stamina requirements. This culminates in a naming ceremony for your creation. The process doesn't end there; the design is then physically hammered out on an anvil via a minigame involving controlling hammer force, angle, and length to match a target curve. Overworking weakens the weapon, rewarding precise strikes with a star rating that impacts repairability.

The forging minigame is a great idea that feels a little too obtuse. | Image credit: MercurySteam / 505 Games
The forge's concept is excellent, introducing skill to a typically menu-driven system. However, the minigame's obtuse nature and lack of clear connection between strike areas and metal shape require improvement before launch.

The forge emphasizes a deep player-weapon bond, crucial for the anticipated 60-70-hour campaign. New materials allow re-forging for enhanced properties, maintaining suitability for evolving challenges. The death system underscores this bond; upon death, your current weapon is dropped, requiring retrieval.

What is the best modern melee action game? ------------------------------------------
AnswerSee ResultsThis lost-weapon mechanic, while inspired by *Dark Souls*, fosters a more meaningful connection than simply regaining lost souls. Dropped weapons persist, presenting a recovery challenge. The long-term implications of this system and the potential for re-forging older weapons remain to be seen.

MercurySteam's adoption of Dark Souls elements is unsurprising, reflecting FromSoftware's influence and Blades of Fire's spiritual connection to the early 2000s Blade of Darkness, developed by the studio's founders. This new game builds upon the advancements made in the genre since then.

Aran is joined by his young companion, Adso, who can help solve puzzles and comment on the world's lore. | Image credit: MercurySteam / 505 Games
The influences of Blade of Darkness, FromSoftware, and God of War are palpable, yet they don't define Blades of Fire. Instead of merely mimicking established systems, MercurySteam has reinterpreted them within a broader framework, forging a unique identity distinct from its inspirations.

Concerns remain. The generic dark fantasy setting might struggle to sustain a 60-hour adventure, and the repetition of a mini-boss within the short demo raises questions about overall variety. However, the depth of the forged-weapon/combat system is genuinely intriguing. In an era where complex games like Elden Ring and Monster Hunter thrive, Blades of Fire has the potential to make a significant contribution.