Home News Anime Vanguards: Top Units, Updated Tier List (3.0)

Anime Vanguards: Top Units, Updated Tier List (3.0)

Author : Sophia Update : Mar 14,2025

Conquering stages in Anime Vanguards can be tough, demanding you field only your strongest units. To help you strategically spend your Gems and effortlessly clear all game content, we've crafted this comprehensive Anime Vanguards tier list.

Anime Vanguards Overall Tier List

Overall tier list of all units in Anime Vanguards for update 3.0 made via TierMaker
Image via TierMaker and Anime Vanguards Wiki

This tier list provides a comprehensive ranking of all Anime Vanguards units, including those currently unavailable, making it useful for evaluating potential trades. Assuming all units are fully evolved and upgraded, this list mirrors the Infinite tier list in its evaluation criteria.

Anime Vanguards Story, Challenges, Raids, and Paragon Tier List

Tier list of all units for Story, Challenges, Paragon, and Raid modes in Anime Vanguards for update 3.0 made via TierMaker
Image via TierMaker and Anime Vanguards Wiki

This tier list ranks units based on their effectiveness in shorter game modes, considering DPS, upgrade costs, buffs, debuffs, and ability unlocks.

Anime Vanguards Infinite Tier List

Tier list of all units for Infinite modes in Anime Vanguards for update 3.0 made via TierMaker
Image via TierMaker and Anime Vanguards Wiki

Primarily for leaderboard contenders, this Infinite mode tier list assumes fully upgraded units and emphasizes team synergy and maximized stats.

Anime Vanguards Tournament (Elemental) Tier List

Tier list of all units for Tournaments in Anime Vanguards for update 3.0 made via TierMaker
Image via TierMaker and Anime Vanguards Wiki

This tournament tier list ranks same-element units based on overall DPS and utility, considering elemental advantages and disadvantages in various game modes.

Anime Vanguards Unit List

The following list details evolved units only, as evolution is highly recommended. Pros, cons, and recommended traits are based on evolved and upgraded units.

Vanguard Units

UnitElementDetailsRecommended Traits
Divalo from Anime VanguardsDivaloCosmic Element from Anime VanguardsExcellent DPS and Range; 100% Dodge chance and counter; Bonus DMG against slowed enemies and bosses; 10-second slow ability; Expensive to place and upgrade.Monarch, Ethereal, Blitz
Images via Anime Vanguards Wiki

Exclusive Units

UnitElementDetailsRecommended Traits
Legendary Super Brolzi from Anime VanguardsLegendary Super BrolziNature Element from Anime VanguardsDecent DPS; Excellent Range; Attacks ignore DMG reductions; Increased DMG against enemies with overshield; DMG increase on placement reduced with each attack.Monarch, Ethereal, Deadeye, Blitz
Haruka Rin from Anime VanguardsHaruka RinPassion Element from Anime VanguardsIncreases DMG and Range of nearby units after six waves; Excellent support unit.Marksman, Solar, Range 3/2/1, Fortune
Mohato from Anime VanguardsMohatoCurse Element from Anime VanguardsIgnores DMG reductions; Increased DMG against enemies with debuffs; Stores DMG with kills, releasing it every fourth attack; Decent DPS and Range.Monarch, Ethereal, Deadeye, Solar, Blitz
Tuji from Anime VanguardsTujiUnbound Element from Anime VanguardsIncreased DMG without buffs; Removes shields; Switchable increased DMG or range/boss DMG at upgrade 11; Good DPS and Range; Expensive to upgrade.Monarch, Ethereal, Deadeye, Blitz
Renguko from Anime VanguardsRengukoFire Element from Anime VanguardsInflicts Burn; Increased DMG for consecutive attacks; Debuff increases Burn damage when upgraded; Good DPS and Range; Expensive to upgrade.Monarch, Ethereal, Blitz
Mimi from Anime VanguardsMimiNature Element from Anime VanguardsIncreased DMG and Range per Boulder Toss and Psychic Throw; Decent DPS and Range.Monarch, Ethereal, Deadeye, Blitz
Saiko from Anime VanguardsSaikoUnbound Element from Anime VanguardsIncreased DMG with a boss; Inflicts Burn; SPA reduction per Burn; Good DPS and Range.Monarch, Ethereal, Blitz
Gilgamesh from Anime VanguardsGilgameshHoly Element from Anime VanguardsUnbound Element from Anime Vanguards(Upgrade 10)Debuff immunity; ignores DMG reductions; DMG increased per unit in range; Culls low-HP enemies at upgrade 10; High-damage AoE ability; Excellent DPS and Range; Very expensive to upgrade.Monarch, Ethereal, Deadeye, Solar, Blitz
Zion from Anime VanguardsZionFire Element from Anime VanguardsInflicts Burn; Increased range with burning enemies; Increased DMG per burning enemy; Decent DPS and Range.Ethereal, Monarch, Blitz
Pweeny from Anime VanguardsPweenyWater Element from Anime VanguardsIncreased DMG per attack; Reduced SPA every 5 attacks; Decent DPS and Range.Monarch, Ethereal, Deadeye, Solar, Blitz
Okorun from Anime VanguardsOkorunCurse Element from Anime VanguardsIncreased DMG and reduced SPA every fifth attack; Good DPS and Range.Monarch, Ethereal, Deadeye, Solar, Blitz
Julias from Anime VanguardsJuliasWater Element from Anime VanguardsFreezes enemies; SPA reduction after freezing enemies; Increased DMG and Range with more attacks; Decent DPS and Range; Long SPA.Ethereal, Blitz, Monarch
Diogo from Anime VanguardsDiogoHoly Element from Anime VanguardsIncreased DMG per enemy entering range; Map-freezing ability with increased DMG and SPA; Very good DPS and Range; Long SPA; Expensive to upgrade.Monarch, Ethereal, Deadeye, Solar, Blitz
Mechamar from Anime VanguardsMechamarFire Element from Anime VanguardsBlast Element from Anime VanguardsApplies Burn; Gains Blast element and high damage at upgrade, reduced with each attack; Good Range; Low DPS.Monarch, Deadeye, Ethereal
Images via Anime Vanguards Wiki

(Continues with Secret Units, Mythic Units, Legendary Units, Epic Units, and Rare Units tables following the same format as above)

With this comprehensive tier list, you can now strategically build your team in Anime Vanguards. Don't forget to check for our Anime Vanguards codes for some free in-game rewards, including Trait Rerolls!