Best Cards to Get in Pokemon TCG Pocket: Mythical Island
The Pokémon TCG Pocket Mythical Island mini-expansion delivers 80 exciting new cards, including the highly anticipated Mew Ex! This expansion shakes up the meta, introducing powerful cards that create new deck archetypes and significantly enhance existing strategies. Let's explore some of the must-have cards from this release.
Pokémon TCG Pocket Mythical Island: Best Cards
While Mythical Island is a smaller expansion, it packs a punch. Cards like Mew Ex and Vaporeon have the potential to redefine the meta, while others bolster existing strategies. Here's a closer look:
Mew Ex
130 HP
Psyshot (1 Psy Energy): 20 damage.
Genome Hacking (3 Colorless Energy): Choose 1 of your opponent’s Active Pokémon’s attacks and use it as this attack.
Mew Ex is a standout. This Basic Pokémon boasts high HP, a serviceable basic attack, and the game-changing Genome Hacking ability. Its versatility makes it a strong addition to existing Mewtwo Ex decks alongside the Gardevoir line, or even within Colorless decks.
120 HP
Wash Out (Ability): As often as you like during your turn, you may move a Water Energy from 1 of your Benched Water Pokémon to your Active Water Pokémon.
Wave Splash (1 Water, 2 Colorless Energy): 60 damage.
Vaporeon is poised to become a major meta contender, especially against prevalent Misty decks. Its ability to shift Water Energy between Pokémon significantly boosts Water-type strategies, potentially making them even more dominant.
100 HP
Fighting Tackle (3 Colorless Energy): If your opponent’s Active Pokémon is a Pokémon Ex, this attack does 80 more damage. 40+ damage.
Tauros requires strategic setup, but its devastating attack against Ex Pokémon makes it a formidable card. Dealing 120 damage to Ex Pokémon like Pikachu Ex is game-changing, while still posing a significant threat to others like Charizard Ex.
120 HP
Gigashock (3 Lightning Energy): This attack also does 20 damage to each of your opponent’s Benched Pokémon. 60 damage.
Raichu further amplifies the threat of Pikachu Ex/Zebstrika decks. The additional 20 damage to each Benched Pokémon significantly disrupts strategies that rely on building up benched Pokémon, especially when paired with a Surge deck for quick setup.
During your opponent’s next turn, all of your Pokémon take -10 damage from attacks from your opponent’s Pokémon.
Blue, a new Trainer/Supporter card, provides crucial defensive capabilities. He's a strong counter to strategies relying on quick knockouts via cards like Blaine and Giovanni, offering a significant defensive advantage.
These are our top picks from the Mythical Island set in Pokémon TCG Pocket. For more tips, strategies, and troubleshooting (like fixing Error 102), check out The Escapist!