Swiftest Science Civs in Civilization VI
Civilization VI: Fastest Paths to a Science Victory
Civilization VI offers three victory conditions, with Religious Victories being the quickest and Culture Victories the slowest. Science victories fall somewhere in between, but with the right leader, they can become remarkably straightforward. While many civilizations excel at technological advancement, some stand out as particularly adept at achieving rapid Science victories. This guide highlights four such civilizations and their strategies.
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Seondeok - Korea
Key Strategy: Maximize Seowon output and Governor promotions.
- Leader Ability (Hwarang): Each Governor promotion provides +3% Culture and Science to their city.
- Civ Ability (Three Kingdoms): Farms gain +1 Food and Mines gain +1 Science for each adjacent Seowon.
- Unique Units: Hwacha (Renaissance), Seowon (Campus replacement, +4 Science, -2 Science for adjacent Districts).
Seondeok's strength lies in the synergy between her Leader ability and Korea's unique District. Prioritize early expansion using Magnus's promotion (preventing population loss when creating Settlers) to establish numerous cities. Focus on Civics that unlock Governor
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