Home News Lord Semine's Sword Location in KCD2 Revealed

Lord Semine's Sword Location in KCD2 Revealed

Author : Skylar Update : Mar 26,2025

Of course, the wedding between Lord Semine and Agnes isn’t allowed to proceed without issues. When the sword that’s supposed to be Lord Semine’s gift goes missing, you’re tasked with finding it. Here’s where to find Lord Semine’s sword in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2.

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Radovan informs you that the sword you crafted from the Hermit’s Sword as Lord Semine’s gift has vanished. He's unsure who took it, but he recalls seeing a stranger in yellow lurking around earlier. Your initial task is to locate this man in yellow.

You can approach and question anyone wearing yellow about the sword, though most will deny any involvement. However, some might offer a lead, mentioning they saw a man in yellow heading upstairs in the stable. If you investigate the upper level of the stable, you'll encounter Hans trying to charm a woman.

Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Hans in the Stable

Screenshot by The Escapist
Hans, clad in yellow, isn't the thief, but he did witness Svatya, the bailiff’s son and the bride's brother, take the sword. When you inquire why Svatya stole it, Hans suggests you confront Svatya directly, as he didn't see what happened to the sword afterward.

Confronting Svatya

Finding Svatya is straightforward. Exit the stables and head towards the tree where musicians are performing for the dancing wedding guests. Svatya will be to the right, drinking near the stable wall, visibly carrying a sword.

Unfortunately, Svatya has already discarded the sword meant for Lord Semine. He confesses to stealing it to embarrass Old Semine, hoping to make it seem like he misplaced his son’s gift and thus appear senile. Svatya didn't consider the repercussions or his father's potential refusal to shield him from theft charges.

Svatya reveals he tossed the sword into the pond, lacking time to stash it elsewhere. If you danced with Myshka, she led you to the pond. Otherwise, locate Radovan and head through the door directly behind him to reach the pond's edge.

Getting the Sword

Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Sword in the Pond

Screenshot by The Escapist
Upon opening the door, take a few steps forward and look down into the water. You should spot the sword. Retrieve it from the pond, then return to Radovan. You can either disclose Svatya as the thief or sidestep the issue now that the sword is recovered.

Once you return Lord Semine’s sword in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 to Radovan, the wedding ceremony can commence. Ensure you complete any time-sensitive tasks before speaking to Radovan. After returning the sword, congratulate the newlyweds and proceed to the next main quest.