Fantastic Four's Origin: A Fresh Look
Marvel, a global entertainment giant, boasts a sprawling universe spanning film, television, and video games. But this wasn't always the case. Sixty years ago, Stan Lee, Jack Kirby, and Steve Ditko birthed a revolutionary idea: a interconnected world of superheroes. Their innovative storytelling, particularly during the Silver Age of Comics, laid the foundation for Marvel's 21st-century dominance. The comic book landscape, and indeed the entertainment world, would be unrecognizably different without their contributions. Inspired by this legacy, I embarked on a personal journey earlier this year: rereading every Marvel superhero comic from the 1960s onward.
This article focuses on the pivotal early years of the Marvel Universe, from the Fantastic Four's debut in 1961 to the Avengers' formation in 1963. We'll explore key character introductions, landmark storylines, and simply noteworthy issues. Join us for this first installment of essential Marvel reading!
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