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Block Blast! is a puzzler you may not have heard of but it\'s just cracked 40 million monthly players

Block Blast!手游玩家突破4000万!这款融合了俄罗斯方块和三消元素的新型益智游戏,在2024年异军突起,迅速吸引了大量玩家。 其创新之处在于静态彩色方块的设计,玩家可自由选择放置位置并消除线条,并结合了三消机制。游戏还提供经典模式和冒险模式两种玩法,支持离线游戏。Block Blast!现已登陆iOS和Android平台。 成功秘诀:冒险模式 Block Blast!的成功并非偶然。冒险模式是其关键因素之一。许多开发者都证实,加入故事或叙事元素有助于提升游戏人气。 这与Wooga公司推出的热门解谜游戏《June’s Journey》异曲同工,其引人入胜的剧情为其长期成功奠定了基础

Dec 09,2024

What Happens after Plague Inc? After Inc. Is the Sequel That Has the Answer!

Following the global pandemic in Plague Inc. and the rebuilding efforts in Rebel Inc., Ndemic Creations unveils its latest game: After Inc. This post-apocalyptic title explores the aftermath of the Necroa Virus, revealing a world where humanity is slowly recovering. A World Reborn, Yet Still Danger

Dec 09,2024