Home Apps Tools Yapi Vpn
Yapi Vpn
Yapi Vpn
Android 5.1 or later
Dec 15,2024

Application Description

Enhance your online security and privacy with Yapi VPN, a user-friendly app designed to boost your internet speed and protect your data. Yapi VPN utilizes a secure, direct connection protocol (SSL INJECT HTTP WS) to safeguard your information whether you're on WiFi, 3G, 4G, or 5G. Stream, download, and watch YouTube videos faster and more securely.

Key Features of Yapi VPN:

  • Unwavering Security: Yapi VPN establishes a secure connection to protect your device and maintain your online privacy.
  • Seamless Connectivity: Enjoy reliable protection across various network types, including Wi-Fi and mobile data (3G, 4G, and 5G).
  • Accelerated Online Activities: Experience faster speeds for streaming, downloading, and YouTube viewing.
  • Intuitive Interface: The app's simple design makes internet tunneling effortless.
  • Comprehensive Protection: Add an extra layer of security to your online activities, shielding your personal data from cyber threats.
  • Optimized Speed: Yapi VPN optimizes your internet connection for improved overall performance and a smoother browsing experience.

In short, Yapi VPN provides a comprehensive solution for safer, faster internet browsing. Download Yapi VPN today and enjoy enhanced security and speed.


  • Yapi Vpn Screenshot 0
  • Yapi Vpn Screenshot 1
  • Yapi Vpn Screenshot 2
  • Yapi Vpn Screenshot 3


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