Grimguard Tactics: End of Legends, a mobile strategy RPG, has surpassed 200,000 pre-registrations! Pre-register now to receive in-game rewards including currency, portrait frames, and more. Developer Outerdawn is celebrating this milestone by offering exciting pre-registration bonuses. These rewar
Dec 09,2024
Block Blast!手游玩家突破4000万!这款融合了俄罗斯方块和三消元素的新型益智游戏,在2024年异军突起,迅速吸引了大量玩家。 其创新之处在于静态彩色方块的设计,玩家可自由选择放置位置并消除线条,并结合了三消机制。游戏还提供经典模式和冒险模式两种玩法,支持离线游戏。Block Blast!现已登陆iOS和Android平台。 成功秘诀:冒险模式 Block Blast!的成功并非偶然。冒险模式是其关键因素之一。许多开发者都证实,加入故事或叙事元素有助于提升游戏人气。 这与Wooga公司推出的热门解谜游戏《June’s Journey》异曲同工,其引人入胜的剧情为其长期成功奠定了基础
Dec 09,2024
Following the global pandemic in Plague Inc. and the rebuilding efforts in Rebel Inc., Ndemic Creations unveils its latest game: After Inc. This post-apocalyptic title explores the aftermath of the Necroa Virus, revealing a world where humanity is slowly recovering. A World Reborn, Yet Still Danger
Dec 09,2024