訊息 誤導:您的成就綜合指南


作者 : Charlotte 更新 : Feb 22,2025

發現 誤導 中的每個秘密:完整的成就指南


Achievement NameDescriptionHow to Unlock
The Fly's VictoryIn a safe area, achieve 25 points in the Fly mini-game without dying.Accessible in any safe area.
Dead JuiceConsume the drink offered by Mita in "Together At Last," after interacting with the TV remote.In "Together At Last," interact with the TV remote in the Living Room, then accept Mita's drink offer.
Delicious LoveAccept the sauce offered during the kitchen meal scene in "Together At Last."In "Together At Last," accept the sauce while eating.
Penguin Conundrum!Defeat Mita in both rounds of Penguin Piles in "Things Get Weird." (Ties don't count)In "Things Get Weird," win both rounds of Penguin Piles against Mita.
ClabberDefeat Mita in both rounds of Dairy Scandal in "Things Get Weird."In "Things Get Weird," win both rounds of Dairy Scandal against Mita.
Creak in the DarkRefuse to stay with Mita when searching the wardrobe in "Things Get Weird."In "Things Get Weird," decline Mita's request to stay with her while searching the wardrobe.
Accelerate!Achieve first place in the Spacecar arcade game in "Beyond the World."In "Beyond the World," win the Spacecar mini-game.
Going at Maximum Speed!Collect all coins during the Spacecar mini-game's racing segment.In "Beyond the World," collect every coin in the Spacecar mini-game.
Pat on the head!Win the button-pressing mini-game in "Beyond the World."In "Beyond the World," win the button-pressing mini-game.
The Great DanceComplete the dance sequence flawlessly in "Beyond the World."In "Beyond the World," complete the dance mini-game without missing a beat.
O, Great Mita!Interact with the Shrine Computer in "Dummies and Forgotten Puzzles" to type a message.In "Dummies and Forgotten Puzzles," find the hidden shrine and computer near the second lever, then interact with the computer to type a message.
You Shall Not Pass!Follow Tiny Mita instead of boarding the Funicular Railway.In "Dummies and Forgotten Puzzles," follow Tiny Mita after reaching the Funicular Railway.
Helluvah Win!Complete the Hetoor mini-game after exiting the Funicular Railway.In "Dummies and Forgotten Puzzles," complete the Hetoor mini-game after getting off the Funicular Railway.
Without Dealing Damage?Complete the Hetoor mini-game without taking any damage.In "Dummies and Forgotten Puzzles," complete the Hetoor mini-game without being hit.

胡蘿卜在“閱讀書籍,銷毀小故障”中找到所有七個小毛刺。 ><> 找到了您!凝視著計算機表上的mita圖在“閱讀書籍,銷毀小故障”中,回複。 >在“舊版本”中初始過場動畫之後,試圖通過前門離開。開口過場動畫後的門。階段1 logs 在“舊版本”中的核心計算機上擊敗四邊形mini-game。 “舊版本”,訪問核心計算機,轉到高級函數,並完成四邊形迷你遊戲。 在“現實世界”中的蛇迷你遊戲中,Tail 在“現實世界”中的蛇迷你遊戲中得分25分。在“重新啟動”。在“重新啟動”中,在核心計算機上重播並贏得四邊形迷你遊戲。所有九個玩家墨盒。在整個遊戲中找到所有九個玩家墨盒。 hi,hi,hi, mita收集所有十二個MITA角色墨盒。查找所有十二個MITA字符墨盒。<這是末端嗎?完成 Miside 。的主要故事情節完成主要故事。 Life打開“重新啟動”中的地下室保險箱(在播放後獲得的代碼)。在“重新啟動”中,使用一次完成遊戲後發現的代碼打開地下室安全。 >條件 <> 滿足“事物變得怪異”中的特定條件,以選擇與mita在一起。原始表中的詳細條件。pro Gamer 解鎖 MISIDE 。 中的所有成就。 > <該綜合指南可確保您將征服 Miside 令人不安的世界中的所有挑戰,並解鎖所有成就。